Column Guards
Warehouse and Building Column Protection with Reflex Technology
Hug Tower - CoPro - Soft Hug
Easy to install column guards with a clean innovative design and a wide choice of sizes and options to suit and protect building columns in commercial property.
Hug Tower
Standard Heights 730, 1090, 1450, 1810mm (other sizes are available on request)
Standard column sizes 500x 500, 600 x 600, 700 x 700mm
4 sided column protection
Plus a three sided version available for the 1090mm high model - specifically for corner columns and intermediate structures adjacent to walls
Mini Hug Tower
1100mm standard height column protector
With the same outstanding protection properties as the larger Hug Towers
Mini Hug Tower is a slimmer column guard to suit smaller profiles such as vertical steel posts and columns
To suit 120 x 120, 150 x 150 , 200 x 200mm sized columns
No fixings are required with the 4 sided Hug Tower Guards - as the name implies, they are designed to literally hug the column for a precise fit without floor bolts or base plates
Hug Towers are intended for indoor use only
CoPro - low level column guards
Low level protection against impacts to warehouse columns from manually propelled hand pallet trucks and powered fork lifts
CoPro 90 for light load protection
140mm high profile
CoPro 150 for heavier load protection
200mm high profile
CoPro Guards are available as standard with clear opening sizes of 500 x 500, 600 x 600 , 700 x 700mm
Soft Hug
A softer more compact guard, ideal for mezzanine columns and structural support posts in pedestrian occupied areas
1800mm height protection
Velcro fastened - no drilling - no specialist fitters
9 different profile fittings
80,100,150,200,250,300,400, 500,600mm
Indoor use only
Innovation and Protection for commercial properties and structures
For a no-obligation quotation and further information contact us today.